American Wild Horse Campaign
America's leading voice protecting wild mustangs & burros.
Despite their Federal protection since 1971, America’s wild horses have been regularly rounded up and, in some cases, even slaughtered at the behest of private interests. Their numbers have decreased by 75% in the last century. AWHC is working to stop this exploitation, and advocates for administering birth control as the most humane method to keep wild horse populations below certain thresholds.
Bently Foundation originally made a $100,000 project grant to them in 2014.
In order to help elevate the charity’s campaigning to another level, Bently Foundation organized a fundraising event in San Francisco in partnership with Bently Reserve. The first Wild Night event in October of 2016 was a success, raising well over $200,000 and increasing awareness for this worthy cause.
AWHC has become the nation's leader in administering humane birth control to wild horses in order to keep their populations within acceptable limits according to BLM standards. Using mostly volunteers, they have administered birth control to over 1,000 mares who's habitat stretches over 400,000 acres. In 2020, Bently Foundation awarded AWHC with a grant of $120,000 to further bolster their Nevada Wild Horse Fertility Control program.
Photos: First by Kimerlee Curyl. Last by Maria Marriott