Center for International Policy: Mighty Earth
Advancing a peaceful, just and sustainable world.
A global campaign organization, Mighty Earth focuses on protecting forests, oceans, prairies and other natural places from destructive industrial practices. They have secured No Deforestation, No Exploitation policies from the world’s largest agribusinesses in the palm oil, rubber, cocoa, and soy industries.
In 2019, Bently Foundation awarded The Center for International Policy with a $100,000 grant to support Mighty Earth's 'Clean Up Meat' campaign. Agriculture takes a major toll on the environment, and industrial animal agriculture is responsible for a disproportionately high percentage of the damage. Monocrop farms to grow animal feed (primarily soy and corn) replace forests, prairies and other biodiverse habitats. Poor fertilizer-, pesticide-, and waste-management practices are the primary cause of the world’s 400 ocean dead zones. Globally, the meat industry consumes 80% of agricultural land, drives 60% of biodiversity loss and emits 37% of total greenhouse gases. It's also highly consolidated, as just four American companies control 50-75% of global meat markets and only four companies control 85% of the U.S. corn and soy markets.
Mighty Earth is using these last facts to their advantage by targeting the biggest companies with their investigative campaign. Reports like "Cargill, The Worst Company in the World" are exposing the scale of destruction these mega-companies are responsible for and pressuring them to improve their practices. They have already secured commitments from Tyson Foods to improve farming practices on two million acres of its U.S. corn supply chain and from Cargill to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.
Photos courtesy of Mighty Earth
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