Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator
Bringing people together to create an inclusive green economy.
LACI nurtures clean tech entrepreneurship by incubating businesses, securing funding, and offering instruction in green technology careers. Their Workforce Development Program includes an Advanced Prototyping Center to facilitate training opportunities. In 2019, LACI launched a 3-month fellowship to provide 50 participants with experiential education and direct connections with job opportunities. LACI has a portfolio of partner companies that help design the curriculum so that students are aptly prepared for careers in their desired fields. Candidates are chosen from a diverse pool of adults from demographic groups typically underrepresented in the green-tech field. The industry-designed curriculum provides a fast track for candidates into this expanding and crucial sector.
In 2019, Bently Foundation awarded LACI with a $100,000 grant to help fund the pilot and second year of the Advanced Prototyping Center Fellowship program.
Photos courtesy of Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator.