David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust
An orphan elephant rescue and wildlife rehabilitation program in Kenya.
Founded in 1977, DSWT operates in Tsavo East, Kenya’s largest & most famous National Park. It has achieved worldwide acclaim through its hugely successful elephant and rhino rescue and rehabilitation program. They currently house more than 80 elephant orphans, many of whom are as dependent on round-the-clock care as human babies. DSWT operates a nursery in Nairobi National Park, but unfavorable weather conditions in recent years have driven them to raising the youngest and most vulnerable elephants at their field station in Kaluku, which is much warmer and drier.
In 2018, Bently Foundation awarded $50,000 to DSWT, which fully funded the construction of two separate stables for neonate elephants. Each building accommodates two elephants, a cleaning and mixing area to allow keepers to prepare elephant formula, and a bed in each stable for the keeper on duty to sleep with the calf.